[ What Are We Doing? ]

Are your water pipes lined with scale?

Does this cause the water flow rate to decrease or be interrupted?

Are you looking for a simple, effective and efficient sustainable solution?

Aqua4D® is an ecological, economical and chemical-free solution. Maintenance-free, water-wasting, risk-free and with low energy consumption, Aqua4D® remediation completely (restorative effect) and sustainably removes lime deposits, at the same time prevents their re-formation (preventive effect).

Allows lime to dissolve in water by changing its structure. As a result, scale is no longer deposited and does not cause pipe blockages. Existing savings are gradually eliminated.


Without Aqua4D®

The Way To Impress

[ How Does It Work ]

Lime in hard water settles in pipes, fittings and heating systems. This causes calcification.

Unlike Aqua4D® salt-based water softeners, it leaves calcium and magnesium in the water. These minerals, along with other minerals, are components of lime that give drinking water its natural taste.

Aqua4D changes the nature of minerals by transforming calcites into a finer aragonite structure. It allows them to dissolve in water and prevents the accumulation in the lines.

Aqua4D® Water Treatment System

[ Control Line ]

Move The Cursor From Left To Right:

Traitement entartrage calcaire dans la tuyauterie d'un immeuble ou d'une maison, solution écologique contre le calcaire Traitement écologique physique d'une tuyauterie entartré calcaire dans un immeuble ou une maison

Exemple d’inspection de la tuyauterie dans un immeuble à Berne après 36 mois de traitement avec Aqua4D®.

Move The Cursor From Left To Right:

Sans traitement Aqua4D Avec traitement Aqua4D

L’Aqua4D®va modifier la structure de l’eau, passant d’une structure appelée calcite (solide) à une structure appelée d’aragonite (poudreuse).


[ Scientific Studies ]

Art school - Visp CH

The vocational school has been facing a rusty water problem for several years as a result of heavy scale deposits and corrosion. Water pressure is greatly reduced, especially in sanitary installations.

To eliminate these problems and ensure optimal protection of sanitary facilities in the future, the owner decided to install an Aqua4D® water treatment system to combat scale deposits and corrosion. The filter behind the pressure reducer was badly damaged by corrosion.

According to plumbing contractors, this problem is common in the region. Drinking water in Viège is very corrosive.

To eliminate these problems and protect the sanitary facilities in the future, the owner decided to install an Aqua4D® water treatment system to combat scale deposits and corrosion.

Apartment building - the great guard

The aim of the study was to observe scaling and corrosion deterioration in the water pipes after installation of the Aqua4D® system.

The decomposition of calcification and corrosion is monitored by a specially designed control tube. A pipe section of the cold water mains was cut to determine its condition before installation. This pipe section was then reassembled with 2 pipe clamps so that it can be easily removed and inspected in the future.

The location chosen for the control pipe represented the condition of the pipelines throughout the building. The positive impact of Aqua4D® at this point indicates that the effectiveness is the same across the entire pipeline.

It was decided that the results of the Aqua4D® technology will be analyzed by dismantling and examining the control pipe 10 months after installation.